At St Peter Chanel we follow the White Rose maths scheme in Years 5-6. Year R- 4 follow Maths Mastery, this will roll up every year, so from this accademic year Year 3 will also use this scheme and so on until the whole school is.
Learning Passports for Maths
At St Peter Chanel, we use learning passports to enusre that all children leave each year group having achieved at least all the key learning objectives required for them to sucessfully transition into the next year group. If parents want to support children at home, these documents are a good place to start. Please discuss these with class teachers if you are unsure how to use them.
Times Tables
Times tables are an incredibly important part of maths, they underpin a number of fundamental concepts that the children learn. From as earlier as Year R children begin counting in 2's, this progresses right through until Year 4 when they are expected to know all their times tables up to 12 x 12. At the end of Year 4 children sit a multiplication check to ensure that they have secure times tables knowledge. To support children's development of this we have an app, called Times Tables Rock Stars, which encourages the children to practice on a daily in basis in a fun, competitive way. This is used in school and at home, if parents need any support in logging into it then please speak to your class teacher.